People with disabilities are mad as hell. People with disabilities want inclusion, services, equipment, housing, jobs, transport, equality and the right to the ordinary life everyone else has.
The real obstacles are not our disabilities but the lack of relevant services, infrastructure and opportunities.
The real obstacles are not our disabilities but the lack of relevant services, infrastructure and opportunities.
Family carers are mad as hell.We want good accommodation for our adult family members, respite and a decent level of government income support when we can't earn an income ourselves due to our caring responsibilities. Why are 80 year old parents STILL the sole carers for their 50 year old disabled children?
Families, friends and support workers are mad as hell.Friends, neighbours, relatives and thousands of disability workers see every day how families coping with disability are in crisis, and often torn apart by the lack of decent support services. The physical, emotional and financial hardships take their toll. Millions of us demand real change. "
Professionals who commit their lives to truly support children, adults and their families should be mad as hell…
and Yes millions of us must demind real change!