Monday 22 February 2010

For School Business Managers

Practical Tools to Support Professional School Business Managers on a CD-ROM


Organised for easy reference according to the key areas of responsibility, the documents provide comprehensive support to school business managers (SBMs).
All documents can be adapted, saved or printed off.

The role of the SBM
- Template job descriptions and adverts: School Business

- Checklists: SBM tasks and areas of responsibility; Certificate of School Business Management; Diploma of School Business Management; Advanced Diploma of School Business

- Table: Senior leadership team; Senior members of staff; Who does what

Strategic Leadership and School improvement
- Checklists: Inspection; The role of the SBM and SIDP; Extended services

- Diagrams: Single Integrated Development Plan (SIDP) front cover; Single Integrated Development Plan (SIDP) strategic level plan

- Tables: SIDP organisational level plan; SIDP Operational level plan sample; The SBM role in school inspections; Self evaluation timing plan; Common purpose (purchasing); Links with other schools; E-procurement collaboration; Job titles in LAs; Outsourcing services; Voluntary organisations; RAISEonline: key features of the report; Useful data to keep to hand; Key terms you need to know; Age-related expectations; Tracking sheet; Progress sheet log

Financial management and FMSiS made simple
- Checklist: Evaluating services for value
- Template policy: Procurement procedures and VFM
- Diagram: Asset Management System
- Tables: School capital plan; Register of assets; The budget setting timeline; BBudget tracking; Demonstrating best value principles

HR management
- Checklists: Recruitment; Clearance of new staff
- Forms: Safeguarding central record example

Facilities/estate management
- Checklists: Equipment maintenance; Reporting equipment costs and issues to governors; Handling lettings bookings
- Case studies: Building schools for the future; Green Flag award for sustainability; Minibus maintenance; Extended schools provision; Safety and maintenance of equipment

Risk management
- Forms: Major health and safety acts; Health and safety regulations; Risk assessment matrix; Health and safety policy
- Policy: Risk assessment

The companion handbook includes guidance on the law and good
practice, including:
- Every Child Matters
- Safeguarding
- Financial planning
- Models of working for SBMs
- Career development and qualifications
- Self-evaluation and school improvement planning and
- Managing partnerships with other schools, the local authority,
local services and for extended services
- Data for learning
- Pay
- Budgeting
- Asset management
- School status
- Marketing and communications
- Copyright
- Sustainable schools
… and much more.


Forum Business Media Ltd, Unit F3, Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Road, Hampton,
Middlesex TW12 2HD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8941 8589,

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