Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Can you help to translate this hidden treasure please?

For about two years now I have been looking for a book in our small gallery office without any success. Since we closed down I very rarely went up to the office, but on Friday last week I decided to spend some time there. Everything was left in the office untouched since the last day of our summer course.

I walked up to one of the bookshelves and I instantly found the book, which I was looking for. There was a gap in the rows of books, which clearly showed me the title of the book, which I was seeking. I was delighted to find it at last.

For some reason I turned towards another bookshelf, where I found another book a long forgotten present from Ester Cotton which she gave me when we worked together in London at the Hornsey Centre.

The title of the book is Introduction to Conductive Movement Pedagogy, András Petö’s lectures and practical demonstrations. On the first page there was a hand written note from Dr Mária Hári to Ester Cotton in German. I don’t speak German so if anyone can read it and can translate it, I would most appreciate it.

Reference: Gyogypedagogiai Tanarkepzo Foiskola,

Bevezeto A Konduktiv Mozgaspedagogiaba,

Pető András eloadasai es gyakorlati bemutatoi alapjan.

Tankonyvkiado, Budapest 1963 Hári Mária, Székely Ily


Will said...

Translation - Hope this will be useful some day,my admiration/adoration and greetings to Mrs Cotton

Gillian Maguire said...

This book was also in the National LIbrary of COnductive Education when I left, so if anyone wants to look at it they should consult NICE in Birmingham.

Judit Szathmáry said...

Thank you Susie for typing up the note in German, which you kindly e-mailed me and for the translation.

'Hoffend dass es einmal nützlich wird,
mit Verehrung und Grüß
für Mrs Cotton'

Thank you also Bill for the translation.

Mystery solved, Mission accomplished.:)
